Thursday, July 14, 2011


Sometimes I can write without any problems at all, but that always depends on the topic. I'm good at making things up so if it's fictional then that is always easier for me to write about. If I'm writing a rough draft I usually have the tv on or music playing and then when writing my final draft I have to be a little more concentrated. While writing my rough draft for my paper I was actually listening to music the whole time, and my topic was music so it gave me a little bit of inspiration. My mom always told me that when I write about something to try and imagine it actually happening. It sounds really corny but it works! For me, the hardest part of a paper to write is always the introduction. I usually always write a couple middle paragraphs first before attempting to write an introduction. I enjoy writing when I'm not given a specific topic and can write about what I want to write about. 

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