Friday, July 15, 2011

Does It Suck?

The republican party does not suck. Even though I am not a republican a lot of people are. They represent a good majority of the people in the United States and speak for them. 
Obama does not suck. He is the first African American president and has had to struggle with a lot of issues; discrimination and political ones. He has good intentions even if not everyone agrees with him. 
Harry Potter does not suck. The series of movies are probably one of most popular series of all time and are very good!
Apple does not suck. The products are very useful and are high tech. 
Star Wars does not suck. I have watched those movies a ton of times with my dad and we love them. 
Facebook does suck. I have an account and go on it all the time and that is why it sucks. It is very distracting and you can spend hours on it literally do nothing. 
McDonalds does suck. The food is not very good and it is very fattening. 
Clemson University does not suck. It is a great university and I have never heard of anyone that goes or graduated from Clemson that didn't love it. 
Lady Gaga does suck. Her music is terrible and annoying. She also dresses in ridiculous costumes, for example, an egg. 
Justin Bieber does not suck. I'm actually admitting this, but I do like him. I'm not sure if other girls would agree with this but he is like the Aaron Carter when we were growing up and little girls love that stuff. 
Sudokus do not suck. I do them all the time and even have an app on my phone.
Avatar does not suck. It was an amazing movie with great effects and an interesting story line. 
XBox 360 does suck. It is silly because mostly guys can sit there for hours, playing killing games on it yelling at the screen. 
American Idol does not suck. It gives singers the opportunity to make it big. 
Glee does not suck. I love Glee. It is a tv series that takes a non popular group of students in high school and shows their struggles and what normal students are dealing with too.
Cigarettes suck. They are bad for you and affects other people around you. It makes clothes smell and bad breath.  
Guns suck. They are too easily available and cause a lot of unnecessary death in the world. 
Abortion does not suck. It gives the woman her choice.
Pets wearing clothes does suck. What are their owners thinking? It is absolutely ridiculous. 

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