Friday, July 8, 2011

Rhetoric Ad

Sorry guys this ad is quite terrible but I went and searched for interesting ads to write about and this struck me the most. I think the picture and the photoshop edits make the message quite clear. I feel that this ad is targeted to both male and females to realize how verbal abuse can affect someone just as bad as physical abuse can. This ad has a great emotional appeal, pathos. People are going to be drawn to this type of ad for many different reasons; the horrible visual it is, and the clear message it has. Also, I would say that this ad has a strong emotional appeal because it probably can relate to a bigger majority of people than one might think. This ad doesn't have much of a written message on it, the picture is a big enough message, but the few sentences it has offers help and relief to the victims of verbal abuse.

On a more positive note the E-Trade commercials with the babies are some of my favorite commercials out right now. To talk a little bit about some rhetoric techniques this commercial appeals to mostly an older audience although because of its humor a lot of younger people most likely would be able to recognize the company and what they do. I would also say, and this might be a little bit of a stretch, that this commercial has ethos. Babies will most likely not be the investors of the family but the babies in these commercials are knowledgeable of their topic. Having the babies in most of their commercials also shows consistency, logos, which makes it easier for the audience to remember the commercial and what it is about. I think writing this at work shows exactly my point because I'm talking about my assignment with my boss and we start thinking of funny commercials and this was one of them. So we got on YouTube and started looking up funny commercials. We remembered that the commercial with the baby was funny and that E*Trade was the one who made the commercial, so we typed in E*Trade funny baby commercial and here we are.


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