Friday, July 22, 2011

This website is to clean bottles and tells you about the different type of bottles that are unique. I think that this website sucks because there is way too much going on. When you first go on the page a man pops up and starts talking to you about  your bottles and then other things pop up as well but it's too fast so you can't catch everything right away. The writing on this page is also hard to read because there is so much on one page.

Wikipedia is a great website. As much as teachers don't want us to use this website it is so easy to find information. This site has information on everything you could possibly need to search for. It is easy to navigate and when you search something, say Clemson, it gives you a brief introduction of Clemson and then lists the contents of the page making it easier to find what you are looking for. It also directs you to other sites if you are interested in something you read about. In the history paragraph of Clemson it talks about Thomas Green Clemson and you can also click his name if you want to find out more about him. Now even though we aren't suppose to go on Wikipedia for a resource for a paper or project you can still go on the site to find quick information and also to find more reliable resources at the bottom of your search. This leads you to a list of resources from books, magazines, websites, and other great sources.

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