Monday, July 11, 2011

Dissoi Logoi-- Crocodiles!

Crocodiles were alive 240 million years ago when dinosaurs were still around!  Crocodiles are majestic, powerful, and amazing creatures. They are very large reptiles that can reach up to 23 feet!! Their streamlined body shape causes them to be able to move in the water more swiftly. They also have webbed feet that are beneficial to catch prey in shallower water because they can make fast turns and sudden movements to catch the prey. Crocodiles have very powerful jaws, the immense force their jaw has when closing has a pressure of over 5,000 pounds per square inch. Greater than any other animal! In some countries these creatures are recognized as godly and worshiped.

Crocodiles are disgusting creatures. They are ridiculous looking, silly, and lame creatures. Crocodiles have a rough scaly skin that looks nasty. They can't even stick out their tongue because it is attached by a membrane. Crocodiles can't even open their mouth that well because the muscles to open the mouth are very weak. The most popular thing about them is how much money someone can make off of them once they are dead. The skin from their belly is soft and people use them to make purses, shoes, belts and other accessories. They are not respected creatures and will most likely never be.

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