Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Beginning of Our Scavenger Hunt

Start Here:

The Beginning of Our Scavenger Hunt

Start Here:


I really enjoyed this online class, it was easy to get involved and very organized. I took an online class this past spring and it was really difficult to keep up with so I was a little worried about this class but it turned out great. I liked the majority of our assignments and the daily readings posted by Professor Butts were interesting too. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their summer break and only two more weeks until Fall starts!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Very very rough draft


Tuesday, July 26, 2011


The phone book is very organized. It's arranged in alphabetical order of the last names. It also has tabs on the side so you can reach a specific letter easier. Then in the back the phone book usually has the yellow pages which also arranges different companies in alphabetical order. On top of all the pages it tells you what names you are in between. For example, if you were looking for someone with the last name of Nelson you could find it on this page between Murray and Newman. 

This is an older version or organization, now people can just go online and type in the name of a person and probably find out way more than they wanted to. 

Friday, July 22, 2011


1. What are some signs to look for that a child is being abused?
2. How does being abused as a child affect them when they grow up?


This website is to clean bottles and tells you about the different type of bottles that are unique. I think that this website sucks because there is way too much going on. When you first go on the page a man pops up and starts talking to you about  your bottles and then other things pop up as well but it's too fast so you can't catch everything right away. The writing on this page is also hard to read because there is so much on one page.


Wikipedia is a great website. As much as teachers don't want us to use this website it is so easy to find information. This site has information on everything you could possibly need to search for. It is easy to navigate and when you search something, say Clemson, it gives you a brief introduction of Clemson and then lists the contents of the page making it easier to find what you are looking for. It also directs you to other sites if you are interested in something you read about. In the history paragraph of Clemson it talks about Thomas Green Clemson and you can also click his name if you want to find out more about him. Now even though we aren't suppose to go on Wikipedia for a resource for a paper or project you can still go on the site to find quick information and also to find more reliable resources at the bottom of your search. This leads you to a list of resources from books, magazines, websites, and other great sources.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cover Story

Well currently I'm working at The Cliffs at Keowee Vineyards golf shop and the only magazine I could find is a golf magazine. Go figure!

GolfWorld chose Rory McIlroy for their cover on the June 27th issue. If you keep up with golf or even watch ESPN he is all over it, winning the U.S. Open Championship just a couple weeks ago. He has had quite a few victories and is now ranked 4th in the Official World Golf Rankings. All of this is the reason for the title "THE REAL DEAL" because right now he is probably the most talked about player in golf. The article compares his win to Tiger Woods saying, "The victory it most evoked was Tiger Woods' dismantling of Augusta National and his competition at the 1997 Masters. McIlroy produced the same quality of jaq-dropping shots, but in his own way, a similarly focused will." The article also goes on to talk about how McIlroy has been studying Woods' play and takes techniques of his to make his own. The cover of this magazine also uses the color of the GolfWorld and The Real Deal to connect with McIlroys' shot. The blue from the title of the magazine goes with his blue shirt and the white color of the cover story title goes with his pants. This creates a balance on the cover page. The subtitle of the cover story also starts to tell you that McIlroy is the next big deal because it states that the question, "Who is golf's next great player?" and says that because he won the U.S. Open he is indeed the real deal.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

2 sources

Havelin, Kate. Child Abuse: Why Do My Parents Hit Me? Mankato, MN: LifeMatters, 2000. Print.
- This book is going to be a good resource to use because it has a lot of facts and statistics about child abuse. It also talks about why it happens, who is at risk, what to do if you suspect it and other important information.

Wolfe, David A. Child Abuse: Implications for Child Development and Psychopathology. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1999. Print.
- This book will be a great source to use because it goes over a lot of studies on child maletreatment and different cases. It looks at child maletreatment from a psychological view and the effects it has on children.

5 minutes

Child abuse. It's not talked about a lot. You don't see it all over the news, but it does happen. TV shows like Law and Order: SVU has quite a few episodes of cases they work on with child abuse. Why is it not talked about as much as it should be? Why are these children not stood up for? Child abuse is very common, and there are all different types; verbal, physical, and others. People should stand up for and look out for the children that can't speak for themselves.  

Friday, July 15, 2011

Does It Suck?

The republican party does not suck. Even though I am not a republican a lot of people are. They represent a good majority of the people in the United States and speak for them. 
Obama does not suck. He is the first African American president and has had to struggle with a lot of issues; discrimination and political ones. He has good intentions even if not everyone agrees with him. 
Harry Potter does not suck. The series of movies are probably one of most popular series of all time and are very good!
Apple does not suck. The products are very useful and are high tech. 
Star Wars does not suck. I have watched those movies a ton of times with my dad and we love them. 
Facebook does suck. I have an account and go on it all the time and that is why it sucks. It is very distracting and you can spend hours on it literally do nothing. 
McDonalds does suck. The food is not very good and it is very fattening. 
Clemson University does not suck. It is a great university and I have never heard of anyone that goes or graduated from Clemson that didn't love it. 
Lady Gaga does suck. Her music is terrible and annoying. She also dresses in ridiculous costumes, for example, an egg. 
Justin Bieber does not suck. I'm actually admitting this, but I do like him. I'm not sure if other girls would agree with this but he is like the Aaron Carter when we were growing up and little girls love that stuff. 
Sudokus do not suck. I do them all the time and even have an app on my phone.
Avatar does not suck. It was an amazing movie with great effects and an interesting story line. 
XBox 360 does suck. It is silly because mostly guys can sit there for hours, playing killing games on it yelling at the screen. 
American Idol does not suck. It gives singers the opportunity to make it big. 
Glee does not suck. I love Glee. It is a tv series that takes a non popular group of students in high school and shows their struggles and what normal students are dealing with too.
Cigarettes suck. They are bad for you and affects other people around you. It makes clothes smell and bad breath.  
Guns suck. They are too easily available and cause a lot of unnecessary death in the world. 
Abortion does not suck. It gives the woman her choice.
Pets wearing clothes does suck. What are their owners thinking? It is absolutely ridiculous. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Sometimes I can write without any problems at all, but that always depends on the topic. I'm good at making things up so if it's fictional then that is always easier for me to write about. If I'm writing a rough draft I usually have the tv on or music playing and then when writing my final draft I have to be a little more concentrated. While writing my rough draft for my paper I was actually listening to music the whole time, and my topic was music so it gave me a little bit of inspiration. My mom always told me that when I write about something to try and imagine it actually happening. It sounds really corny but it works! For me, the hardest part of a paper to write is always the introduction. I usually always write a couple middle paragraphs first before attempting to write an introduction. I enjoy writing when I'm not given a specific topic and can write about what I want to write about. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Extra Credit

Vitamin Water bottles always have that paragraph where they tell you something crazy but it's always funny. If you can't see it : http://www.betterfitnessdaily.com/vitaminwater-isnt-healthy/

Sorry! I thought you would be able to see it larger if you clicked on it. But the senetence is "Legally, we are prohibited from making exaggerated claims about the potencyu of the nutrients in this bottle." It has a lot more commas in the paragraph but hopefully this one works!

Gummy Bears!

  • Chewy
  • Colorful
  • Juicy
  • Sweet
  • Sugary
  • Fun
  • Bear- shaped
  • Little business kid commercials
  • Sticky
  • Smells good
  • Flavorful
    • Pineapple
    • Cherry
    • Apple
    • Orange


I, Katherine Lanza, promise to never cheat. TO never turn in someone else's work as my own. TO always use my own knowledge and if I have to go to other resources to always give that resource credit for what they have taken the time to do. Plagiarizing is wrong and nobody should take credit for work they haven't done. It is illegal and if someone were to be caught plagiarizing proper actions should be taken to punish that person.
The assignments we have to do in this course should be our own work. These assignments are given to help us learn and better ourselves in our college career and after. These things cannot be accomplished if we were to be lazy and take someone else's work. I promise to always turn in my own work and to not plagiarize. 

Dissoi Logoi-- Crocodiles!

Crocodiles were alive 240 million years ago when dinosaurs were still around!  Crocodiles are majestic, powerful, and amazing creatures. They are very large reptiles that can reach up to 23 feet!! Their streamlined body shape causes them to be able to move in the water more swiftly. They also have webbed feet that are beneficial to catch prey in shallower water because they can make fast turns and sudden movements to catch the prey. Crocodiles have very powerful jaws, the immense force their jaw has when closing has a pressure of over 5,000 pounds per square inch. Greater than any other animal! In some countries these creatures are recognized as godly and worshiped.

Crocodiles are disgusting creatures. They are ridiculous looking, silly, and lame creatures. Crocodiles have a rough scaly skin that looks nasty. They can't even stick out their tongue because it is attached by a membrane. Crocodiles can't even open their mouth that well because the muscles to open the mouth are very weak. The most popular thing about them is how much money someone can make off of them once they are dead. The skin from their belly is soft and people use them to make purses, shoes, belts and other accessories. They are not respected creatures and will most likely never be.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Rhetoric Ad

Sorry guys this ad is quite terrible but I went and searched for interesting ads to write about and this struck me the most. I think the picture and the photoshop edits make the message quite clear. I feel that this ad is targeted to both male and females to realize how verbal abuse can affect someone just as bad as physical abuse can. This ad has a great emotional appeal, pathos. People are going to be drawn to this type of ad for many different reasons; the horrible visual it is, and the clear message it has. Also, I would say that this ad has a strong emotional appeal because it probably can relate to a bigger majority of people than one might think. This ad doesn't have much of a written message on it, the picture is a big enough message, but the few sentences it has offers help and relief to the victims of verbal abuse.

On a more positive note the E-Trade commercials with the babies are some of my favorite commercials out right now. To talk a little bit about some rhetoric techniques this commercial appeals to mostly an older audience although because of its humor a lot of younger people most likely would be able to recognize the company and what they do. I would also say, and this might be a little bit of a stretch, that this commercial has ethos. Babies will most likely not be the investors of the family but the babies in these commercials are knowledgeable of their topic. Having the babies in most of their commercials also shows consistency, logos, which makes it easier for the audience to remember the commercial and what it is about. I think writing this at work shows exactly my point because I'm talking about my assignment with my boss and we start thinking of funny commercials and this was one of them. So we got on YouTube and started looking up funny commercials. We remembered that the commercial with the baby was funny and that E*Trade was the one who made the commercial, so we typed in E*Trade funny baby commercial and here we are.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Who Am I?

My full name is Katherine Virginia Lanza. I was born in Charleston, SC and lived there until I moved to Michigan in 2005. One thing I absolutely don't like is Michigan and the cold weather it has, so I moved back to South Carolina for school. Don't get me wrong certain parts of Michigan are really nice for about 2 months during the summer then everything is cold, dark, and covered in snow. I love summer and being outside. I played a lot of sports growing up and in high schools I was on the cross country, track and soccer team. If I have time this fall I think I'm going to try and play on the club soccer team here. This summer I'm working at The Cliffs at Keowee Vineyards, so if you like to play golf and are a member come visit me in the golf shop!
This picture was taken at Niagara Falls, Canada when I took a trip up to Michigan in the middle of June with my boyfriend. We drove through Canada to see Niagara Falls which was a lot of fun but it was cold and raining! We took the Maid of the Mist boat ride too which took us really close to the falls.

Currently I'm in the pre-business program and I'm hoping to major in marketing or management and minor in Chinese. I'm not sure what I really want to do yet but eventually I want to own my own boutique. I'm also taking mthsc 207 this summer so if anyone is taking that and could help me that would be amazing!